One of the features that FullScene adds is Portfolio section. This is the place where you manage, create, edit, or delete your portfolio items.

Create Portfolio Items#
Portfolio items are basically standard posts with special settings and content layout. To create portfolio item, follow the teps below:
- Go to Portfolio > Add New Item in your WordPress admin panel.
- Enter portfolio item's title.
- Add content in the main editor as portfolio item's description.
- Choose portfolio categories and tags if needed (works the same way as posts categories and tags).
- Set featured image.
- Adjust the portfolio item's settings to your needs.
- Click Publish.

Display Portfolio Items#
To display the portfolio items that you have created, you need to create a page and set the Template option to "Portfolio - Fullscreen Slideshow", "Portfolio - Grid" or "Portfolio - Masonry".

Page template specific settings will show up in Page Settings meta box, set them to your preference.