FullScene WordPress Theme Documentation


One of the features that FullScene adds is Portfolio section. This is the place where you manage, create, edit, or delete your portfolio items.


Create Portfolio Items#

Portfolio items are basically standard posts with special settings and content layout. To create portfolio item, follow the teps below:

  1. Go to Portfolio > Add New Item in your WordPress admin panel.
  2. Enter portfolio item's title.
  3. Add content in the main editor as portfolio item's description.
  4. Choose portfolio categories and tags if needed (works the same way as posts categories and tags).
  5. Set featured image.
  6. Adjust the portfolio item's settings to your needs.
  7. Click Publish.
Portfolio Item Settings Portfolio Item Settings Portfolio Item Settings Portfolio Item Settings Portfolio Item Settings

Display Portfolio Items#

To display the portfolio items that you have created, you need to create a page and set the Template option to "Portfolio - Fullscreen Slideshow", "Portfolio - Grid" or "Portfolio - Masonry".

Portfolio Page Template

Page template specific settings will show up in Page Settings meta box, set them to your preference.

Portfolio Page Settings