Sidebars & Widgets
FullScene comes with multiple widgetized areas and custom widgets.
Widgetized Areas#
There are multiple widgetized areas to use:

- General Sidebar - The main sidebar that will be assigned automatically to any page or post if it’s template supports sidebar.
- Single Post Sidebar - When it has widgets, it will be used instead of the general sidebar in all single posts pages.
- Page Sidebar - When it has widgets, it will be used instead of the general sidebar in all pages with default page template.
- Shop Sidebar - Only usable if WooCommerce is installed and activated. When it has widgets, it will be used (when applicable) instead of the general sidebar in all WooCommerce related pages.
- Footer Widgets Areas (4 Areas) - These will be used for footer widgets area located just above the page footer. Make sure the footer widgets area is activated in the theme customizer under Theme Settings > Footer.
Custom Widgets#
There are multiple custom widgets available once you activate the theme, you can identify them by the theme name prefix “FullScene”:
Contact Info - Shows contact address and phone numbers.
Flickr - Shows Flickr user's recent photos.
Instagram - Shows Instagram user's recent images.
Payment Methods - Shows payment methods icons.
Posts - Shows recent, most commented, sticky posts or all of them in tabbed layout.
Portfolio - Shows portfolio slider.
Social Links - Shows social links.
Twitter - Shows Twitter user's feed.
Video Embed - Shows video with text caption and autoplay ability.